Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Got Enough Bread? (Reflections on Pentecost 11, Year B 2024)


“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (John 6:51)

Once upon a very long time ago I had occasion to visit the great state of Nevada with some friends. As happens when one visits the great state of Nevada, we found ourselves one evening inside a casino. Let me just say for the record that the Lutheran Church, as a general rule, has been death on gambling, so I’m not recommending this as a hobby. People lose their money, their families, and chunks of their souls in casinos all the time. What’s more, in order for you to win money, some other poor slob has got to lose—so you can see why we don’t think Jesus would exactly approve.

But I digress.

On this particular occasion I watched as a friend of mine cheerfully fed quarters into the insatiable maw of a slot machine. One after another he fed tiny graven images of General Washington into this rapacious device just as I might’ve fed kibble treats to my cat. The action had become mechanical and zombie-like. But suddenly, after my friend had run through almost the entire content of a $20 roll of coins, the hungry machine erupted with a clang of bells and a flash of lights. A cascade of two-bit pieces began to vomit forth into an aluminum pan at the base of the thing. It soon became clear that what was spewing out was a greater sum than my friend had put in. He had hit a small jackpot—not enough to buy a new Mercedes mind you, but should he elect to scoop the coins up and exchange them with the casino cashier for folding green American cash, he’d certainly be leaving with a few more bucks than he’d come with.

So, what did he do? Yeah. You guessed it. I watched as he fed every blessed one of the quarters back into the slot and left with nothing.

We always want more, don’t we? I recall a quote—the source of which I can’t cite—supposedly from the billionaire oil baron J. Paul Getty[i]. When Getty was asked how much is enough, his reply was “Always a little more than you have.” It’s a sad commentary on our human condition that we lack faith in God’s goodness even when we’ve seen how gracious God can be.

In our Gospel for Pentecost 11, Year B (John 6: 35, 41-51) we pick up the story from last week. Jesus has tried to escape a mob of folks who by now have been pretty well fed with loaves and fish. But they want more. They’ve run a marathon race around the Sea of Galilee in hope of intercepting Jesus and making him their earthly king. He’s been the slot machine that’s paying off, giving them free food they might not be able to afford and don’t have to work for. They want more, but they don’t understand what Jesus really wants to give them is so much more than the earthly provisions they imagine.

For Chosen People, these guys really seem to be suffering from a lack of imagination. They see only the immediate picture and can’t get their brains around the idea that God might be doing something new and exciting in Jesus. They don’t say to themselves, “Hey! We’ve just seen a freakin’ miracle. It looks like God might be active and speaking to us. This Jesus—even though we know who his folks were—might really be sent from God and anointed just as Moses was anointed to rescue our ancestors. I guess we ought to listen to him.”

But no. They’re stuck in the mud of their literal-mindedness, abandoning an eternal vision for hopes of a short-term reward. As I think back on it, I’m sorry I never said to my slot machine-playing buddy, “Hey! God just blessed you with a win. If you scoop up those quarters and cash them in, you could treat us both to the buffet for breakfast. Then we’d have a better memory of our time together than we’d have just watching you piss away more money.”

Jesus didn’t come to us only to do signs and wonders which we so easily forget. Jesus came to give us the bread—the sustenance—of life. He came to give his body on the cross, so we’d understand true love and compassion and have the hope of eternity. He came so we would not only acknowledge God but trust in God and, just maybe, start to live for God.

I really dig the Hebrew scripture passage the bright lads who composed our Revised Common Lectionary decided to pair with this gospel lesson. It’s 1 Kings 19:4-8. Here we find the uber prophet Elijah on the lamb from the evil Queen Jezebel. Elijah has done all God has asked of him, but it doesn’t seem to him to have changed anything. The queen has put a hit out on him, and he’s forced to hide out in the desert where we find him depressed and semi-suicidal. So, God grants him a miracle—food delivered by an angel in a barren a desolate place. How does he respond? By going right back to sleep. So, God has to do it again to get his attention.

We pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” We’re not just praying to have our physical needs met. We’re praying to be sustained in trust and hope and purpose—just as the Father has always intended.

May you be blessed with all manner of “daily bread” today, and thanks again for visiting my blog!


[i] Anyway, I think it was Getty. It might’ve been John D. Rockefeller or one of those super rich guys. Doesn’t really matter, does it?

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